Weather T by despking |
February 5 was the birthday of John Jeffries, who kept weather records from 1774 to1816, and is said to be one of America's first weathermen. Today, apparently we celebrate weathermen on his birthday each year, honoring the men and women who bring us our weather forecasts.
Sometimes, the weather is great, and sometimes... not so much. Sometimes it's downright stormy, like in these Pictures of Hurricanes and Other Storms. But, it's always to our advantage to know what the weather will be on a given day in the near future, and that's what we look to weathermen to tell us.
There are a lot of others who labor behind the scenes to gather the data that goes into a weather forecast that we see on TV or read on our favorite weather site. Some of the very bravest of those are the Hurricane Hunters, who literally fly into the eye of the fiercest of tropical weather systems to ensure better and more accurate forecasts year after year.
Thank you, weathermen!
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