Wednesday, November 2, 2011

National Young Readers Week

National Young Readers Week is November 7 - 11

Kids LOVE nonfiction Books!
(photo - my own, all rights resered)
QUESTION:  When is the best time to read to a child, or to give a child a book? 
ANSWER:  On any day ending in "y," that's when.  Starting on the day they are born.  (Really!)

Seriously - as far as I'm concerned, any excuse will do when it comes to a reason to give books to children, and to read to  or with them.  But two great ones are coming up - National Young Readers Week, and the Holiday Season.  (There were ALWAYS books under the tree for Christmas at our house.)

Need an idea for some books the kids will love?  These articles will give you a start with some great suggestions: